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跳 : Hop
↑ click kanji to animate ↑
hop, leap up, spring, jerk, prance, buck, splash, sputter, snap
は.ねる と.ぶ -と.び
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 足 (157) |
Usage Rating: | 1716 |
Unicode: | 08df3 |
jis208: | 36-23 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
跳 Usage examples
立ち幅跳び | standing long jump |
跳ね出す | to spring or rush out |
跳ね出る | to spring or rush out |
反跳 | (physical) recoil |
跳躍振動 | relaxation oscillation |
跳ね太鼓 | drumming at the end of the day of wrestling inviting spectators to return tomorrow |
跋扈跳梁 | evildoers being rampant and roaming at will |