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欧 : Europe
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欧 Usage examples
滞欧 | staying in Europe |
欧米並みに | as in Europe and America |
欧米人 | Europeans and Americans, Westerners |
西欧諸国 | West European countries |
西欧文明 | Western civilization, Western civilisation |
欧州中央銀行制度 | European System of Central Banks, ESCB |
欧州経済共同体 | European Economic Community, EEC |
脱亜入欧 | leave Asia, enter Europe (said by Fukuzawa Yukichi) |
欧州通貨基金 | European Monetary Fund, EMF |
欧州憲法 | European Constitution |
欧州通貨制度 | European Monetary System, EMS |
欧州政治協力 | European Political Co-operation, EPC |
欧州原子力共同体 | European Atomic Community, Euratom |
印欧祖語 | Proto-Indo-European (hypothetical language from which all Indo-European languages are derived) |
印欧基語 | Proto-Indo-European (hypothetical language from which all Indo-European languages are derived) |
親欧米路線 | alignment with the Western powers of America and Europe |
欧州議会 | European Parliament |
欧亜大陸 | Eurasia, Eurasian Continent |