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天 : Heavens
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heavens, sky, imperial
あまつ あめ あま-
あき あも た たかし て なま
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 大 (37) |
Usage Rating: | 512 |
Unicode: | 05929 |
jis208: | 37-23 |
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天 Usage examples
天下取り | rule over the whole country |
天井値 | ceiling price |
天文学的 | astronomical |
天文航法 | celestial navigation |
天目山 | line between victory and defeat |
天気概況 | general weather conditions |
天体写真 | photograph of an astral body |
天体望遠鏡 | astronomical telescope |
天体観測 | astronomical observation |
天狗茸 | panther cap (species of poisonous mushroom, Amanita pantherina) |
天竺葵 | geranium |
天皇機関説 | theory of the Emperor as an organ of government |
天袋 | storage space above closet |
天理教 | the Tenri sect |
天頂距離 | the zenith distance |
天壌無窮 | as eternal as heaven and earth |
震天動地 | earth-shaking |
好天気 | fine weather |
早天 | early morning, dawn |
烏天狗 鴉天狗 | crow-billed goblin |
天翔る 天翔ける | to soar (esp. of spirits and gods) |
韋駄天 | great runner |
運を天に任せる | to leave to chance |
越天楽 | Etenraku (Japanese court music composition) |
皇天 | providence, heaven |
晴天続き | spell of fine weather |
天与の資 | natural endowment, natural ability |
天下の景 | superlative view |
天下の勝 | beautiful scenery |
天から降りる | to fall from heaven (the sky) |
天気の崩れ | break (change for the worse) in the weather |
天険に拠る | to hold a mountain fortress |
天子の座 | throne |
天重 | box lunch with tempura |
天台宗 | Tendai sect (of Buddhism) |
天つゆ 天汁 | thin dipping sauce for tempura |
天と地 | heaven and earth, top and bottom |
天然塩 | natural salt |
天の一角 | point of heaven, corner of the sky |
梵天 | Brahma-Deva |
良い天気 よい天気 いい天気 | fine weather, fair weather |
天井扇 | ceiling fan |
毘沙門天 | Vaisravana (guardian god of Buddhism) |
週間天気予報 | weather forecast for coming week |
明治天皇 | Emperor Meiji |
ニュートリノ天文学 | neutrino astronomy |