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沖 : Open sea
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open sea, offing, rise high into sky
おき おきつ ちゅう.する わく
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 929 |
Unicode: | 06c96 |
jis208: | 18-13 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
沖 Usage examples
沖積統 | alluvial series |
沖合底引き網漁業 | offshore trawl fishery |
沖醤蝦 | krill, euphasiid (any species in the family Euphausiacea) |
沖巨頭 | false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) |
沖縄北方対策担当大臣 沖縄・北方対策担当大臣 | State Minister in Charge of Issues of Okinawa and Northern Territories |
沖縄戦 | Battle of Okinawa (April, 1945) |