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当 : Hit
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hit, right, appropriate, himself
あ.たる あ.たり あ.てる あ.て まさ.に まさ.にべし
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 小 (42) |
Usage Rating: | 91 |
Unicode: | 05f53 |
jis208: | 37-86 |
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当 Usage examples
腰弁当 | low-paid office worker |
腰当て | bustle |
一山当てる | to be right on target, to strike it rich |
嗅ぎ当てる | to sniff out, to catch the scent of |
打ち当てる | to hit against |
振り当てる 振当てる | to assign, to allot |
図に当たる | to go as expected |
当たり障りのない 当たり障りの無い 当り障りのない 当り障りの無い 当たりさわりのない | harmless and inoffensive |
当たりをつける 当たりを付ける 当りをつける 当りを付ける | to guess, to estimate |
当たりを取る | to make a hit, to have a great success (e.g. in business, with a play, etc.) |
当て事 | hopes, expectations, guessing |
当ても無く 当てもなく | at random, aimlessly |
応急手当を施す 応急手当てを施す | to give (a person) first-aid, to administer first aid |
風当たりが強い 風当りが強い | receive harsh treatment |
風に当たる | to be exposed to wind |
局に当たる | to deal with a situation, to take charge of an affair |
軍当局 | military authorities |
心当たりがある 心当たりが有る | to have an idea, to have a clue |
差し当たって さし当たって さし当って 差当って 差当たって | for the present, for the time being, at present, in the meantime |
座布団を当てる | to sit on a cushion |
尺を当てる | to measure with a rule |
総当たり戦 | round robin event |
当営業所 | our (the present) business office |
当行 | our bank |
当歳駒 | yearling, one-year-old colt |
当直員 | person on duty |
当の本人 | the person himself |
当を得る | to be in order, to be right |
任に当たる | to undertake a duty |
番に当たる | being on duty |
人当たりが良い 人当たりがよい | having sociable manners, sociable |
火に当たる | to warm oneself at the fire |
日に当てる | expose to the sun |
的を当てる | to hit the mark |
見当たらない | not be found |
記述的妥当性 | descriptive adequacy |
説明的妥当性 | explanatory adequacy |
過当競争 | excessive competition |
住宅手当 | housing allowance |