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糖 : Sugar
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Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 米 (119) |
Usage Rating: | 1471 |
Unicode: | 07cd6 |
jis208: | 37-92 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
糖 Usage examples
白砂糖 | white sugar |
単糖類 | monosaccharide |
楓糖 | maple sugar |
血液中の糖 | blood sugar |
砂糖の衣 | frosting (e.g. on a cake), icing |
糖菓 | sweets, sweetmeats, confectionary, candy |
砂糖水 | sugared water |
アミノ糖 | amino-sugar |
グラニュー糖 | granulated sugar |
ムコ多糖類 | mucopolysaccharide |
加糖練乳 | sweetened condensed milk |
解糖 | glycolysis |
若年型糖尿病 | juvenile onset diabetes |
木糖 | xylose, wood sugar |
木糖醇 | xylose, wood sugar |
砂糖楓 | sugar maple (Acer saccharum), rock maple |
微糖 | low in sugar |
御目出糖 | Japanese sweets made with glutinous rice and azuki bean paste |
異性化糖 | isomerized sugar, high fructose corn syrup |
角砂糖ばさみ | sugar tongs |
オリゴ糖 | oligosaccharide (sugar polymer containing several but not many component simple sugars) |
少糖類 | oligosaccharide (sugar polymer containg several but not many component simple sugars) |
多糖類 | polysaccharide (sugar polymer containg multiple (many) component simple sugars) |