早場米 | rice from an early harvest, early rice |
欧米並みに | as in Europe and America |
研米機 | rice polisher |
米十粒 | ten grains of rice |
着米 | arriving in America |
米懇 | Round Table Conference on Rice Price |
米審 | Rice Price Deliberative Council |
米帝 | US imperialism |
米の介入 | intervention of America |
米坪 | paper weight in gsm |
米市場 | the rice market |
英米人 | Englishmen and Americans |
英米法 | Anglo-American law |
欧米人 | Europeans and Americans, Westerners |
政府米 | government-controlled rice |
精米所 | rice(-cleaning) mill |
日米構造協議 | Structural Impediments Initiative talks, SII |
日米貿易摩擦 | Japan-US trade friction |
もち米 糯米 餅米 | glutinous rice |
闇米 | black-market rice |
上米 | excise tax |
米人 | an American |
米国預託証券 | American depositary receipt, ADR |
米兵 | American military (force) |
米作り | rice cultivation, rice farming |
米ミルク | rice milk |
米朝 | America-North Korea, America and North Korea |
米側 | American position, American side, American representatives, American delegation |
米韓 | American-Korean |
米紙 | American press, American newspaper |
亜米利加山法師 | flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) |
米連邦 | US federal (agency, etc.) |
米連邦議会 | US Congress |
米連邦議員 | US Congress member |
米杉 | red cedar (thuja plicata) |
帰米 | term used to refer to Japanese-American children (nisei) who were sent by their parents to Japan before WW2 to receive their schooling |
輸入米 | imported rice |
国産米 | domestically produced rice |
日米安保条約 | Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan |
親欧米路線 | alignment with the Western powers of America and Europe |
米大統領 | President of the United States of America, US President |
米軍基地 | American military base |
日本米 | Japanese rice |
米 | America, USA |
米国土安全保障省 | Department of Homeland Security, DHS |