異体同心 | being of one mind, acting in one accord, behaving in perfect harmony |
炭酸同化作用 | carbon dioxide assimilation |
賛否同票 | tie vote |
同委員会 | the same committee |
同郷人 | person from the same province, town, village, etc. |
同市 | same city |
同小 | the above-mentioned elementary school |
同大 | the said university |
同母姉 | sisters of the same mother, uterine sisters |
同列に論じる | to discuss in the same terms, to treat equally |
日猶同祖論 日ユ同祖論 | hypothesis that Jews and Japanese are of common ancestry |
和して同ぜず | harmonize but not agree (harmonise) |
同性愛者 | homosexual (person) |
同期外れ | synchronisation loss (in digital communications), synchronization loss |
合同コンパ | joint party (e.g. by students from several colleges), combined party, mixer, two or more groups, esp. female and male students, combining for a party |
共同作業 | group work |
共同出資 | joint investment |
同系色 | similar color, similar colour |
同国人 | fellow countryman, compatriot, person from same province |
同時性 | simultaneity |
同乗者 | fellow passenger |
同情票 | sympathy vote |
同点決勝 | play-off |
同和教育 | social integration education, education to eliminate discrimination (e.g. against burakumin) |
共同権利者 | co-creditor |
共同義務者 | co-debtor |
同軸 | coaxial (cable) |
同和 | burakumin, assimilation |
異名同音 | enharmonic |
貨幣同盟 | monetary union |
同送 | shipped together, sent at the same time |
同姓同名 | (having) same family and personal name |
タンパク同化ステロイド 蛋白同化ステロイド | anabolic steroid |
共同企業体 | joint venture, consortium, JV |
共同軍事演習 | joint military exercise |
共同持ち株会社 | joint holding company |
共同捜査 | joint investigation |
同時放送 | simulcast |
同点決勝戦 | tiebreaker |
同毒療法 | homeopathy |
独立国家共同体 | Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS |
同人誌 | publication sold directly, and not via commercial publishers, fanzine |
ガイアナ協同共和国 | Co-operative Republic of Guyana |
同年代 | the same generation, coeval |
同区 | same ward |
欧州経済共同体 | European Economic Community, EEC |
同梱 | including something in a package |
同部屋 | wrestlers from the same stable |
公私混同 | intermingling of public policy with private interest, mixing up official business with personal affairs |
医食同源 | a balanced diet leads to a healthy body, healthy food both prevents and cures sickness |
和光同塵 | living a quiet life by effacing oneself |
異字同訓 | different kanji with the same Japanese reading (and usu. a similar meaning) |
一味同心 | (people) working together with one mind |