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圧 : Pressure
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pressure, push, overwhelm, oppress, dominate
お.す へ.す おさ.える お.さえる
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 土 (32) |
Usage Rating: | 718 |
Unicode: | 05727 |
jis208: | 16-21 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
圧 Usage examples
熱帯低気圧 | tropical cyclone |
風圧 | wind pressure |
降圧剤 | drug to lower blood pressure, antihypertensive |
圧力を加える | to apply pressure to, to press |
圧し | weight, pressing down, commanding presence, authority |
汽圧 | steam pressure |
空圧 | air pressure, pneumatic pressure |
気圧される | to be overawed, to be overpowered, to lose the mental battle |
示圧計 | pressure gauge |
静圧比 | static pressure ratio |
逓降変圧器 | step-down transformer |
三軸圧縮試験 | triaxial compression test |
三軸圧縮試験機 | triaxial compression apparatus |
上載圧 | overburden stress |
拘束圧 | confining pressure |
静止土圧係数 | coefficient of earth pressure at rest |
受働土圧係数 | coefficient of passive earth pressure |
主働土圧係数 | coefficient of active earth pressure |
過圧密比 | overconsolidation ratio |
圧密 | consolidation |
圧密降伏応力 | consolidation yield stress |
背圧 | back pressure |
亜熱帯高気圧 | subtropical anticyclone |
圧搾ポンプ | compression pump |
圧縮効率 | compression efficiency |
圧縮酸素 | compressed oxygen |
圧迫包帯 | pressure bandage |
圧力釜 | pressure vessel |
圧力容器 | pressure vessel |
高圧電流 | high-voltage current, high-tension current |
重圧感 | feeling of oppression |
浸透圧 | osmotic pressure |
油圧計 | oil pressure gauge |
アネロイド気圧計 | aneroid barometer |
ゲージ圧力 | pressure gauge |
ダイヤフラム圧力計 | diaphragm gauge |
圧縮空気機械 | compressed air machine |
圧縮試験 | compression test |
圧縮木材 | compressed wood |
圧電振動子 | piezoelectric vibrator |
圧粉磁心 | dust core |
移動性高気圧 | migratory anticyclone |
液圧プレス | hydraulic press |
化学浸透圧説 | chemiosmotic hypothesis |
可変変圧器 | variable transformer |
寒冷高気圧 | cold anticyclon |
感圧ダイオード | pressure sensitive diode |
高圧電線 | high-voltage line |
政治的圧力 | political pressure |
政治抑圧 | political repression |
弾圧政治 | (political) coercion |
圧面 | beshimi, noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrils |
感圧接着剤 | pressure-sensitive adhesive |
昇圧機 | booster (e.g. of current) |
仲間集団圧力 | group pressure, peer pressure |
強圧手段 | coercive (high-handed) measure, strong-arm method |
最高血圧 | systolic blood pressure |
押し合い圧し合い 押合い圧し合い | pushing and shoving, jostling, hustling |
過電圧 | overpotential, over-voltage |