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呑 : Drink
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Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 口 (30) |
Usage Rating: | 2362 |
Unicode: | 05451 |
jis208: | 38-61 |
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呑 Usage examples
立ち呑み | drinking while standing |
早呑み込み | (drawing) hasty conclusions |
清濁併せ呑む | to be broad-minded enough to associate with various types of people, to possess a capacious mind |
条件を呑む | to accept the conditions |
涙を呑む | to pocket an insult |
呑んで掛かる | to make light of, to hold lightly |
息を呑む | to gulp, to gasp |
息を呑むほど | breathtaking |
息を呑むよう | breathtaking, thrilling |
呑酸 | acid reflux, heart-burn |
清濁併呑 | being so broad-minded as to accept all sorts of things, both good and evil, being broad-minded enough to be tolerant of people of all shades |
がぶ呑み ガブ呑み | swig, gulp |
はっと息を呑む | to gasp in surprise |
宅呑み | drinking at home (as opposed to going out) |
声を呑む | to gulp in astonishment, to be taken aback speechless |
網呑舟の魚を漏らす | (of a legal system) so lax that even the greatest criminal can escape |
呑み | bookmaking, tap (in a cask, etc.) |