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温 : Warm
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あたた.か あたた.かい あたた.まる あたた.める ぬく
あつ あつし なお はる ゆ ゆたか
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 838 |
Unicode: | 06e29 |
jis208: | 18-25 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
温 Usage examples
変温動物 | poikilotherm |
温かい歓迎 | warm reception, cordial welcome, warm greeting |
温かみ | warmth |
温水プール | heated swimming pool |
温泉町 | hot-spring resort, spa town |
海水温 | seawater temperature |
棒温度計 | bar thermometer |
累算温度 | cumulative temperature |
温泉宿 | hot-spring hotel |
温度調節 | temperature control |
体感温度 | effective temperature, wind-chill index (factor) |
地球温暖化防止 | prevention of global warming |
微温湯 | comfortable, easy, relaxed, complacent, cossetted, unstimulating, dull, uneventful |
極低温 | very (extremely) low temperature |
アルコール温度計 | alcohol thermometer |
バイメタル温度計 | bimetal thermometer |
ベンチを温める | to warm the bench, for a player, to stay on the bench during a sports match |
温覚 | sense of warmth |
温泉華 | travertine |
温帯林 | temperate forest |
温度係数 | temperature coefficient |
温度目盛 | temperature scale |
温熱療法 | thermotherapy |
温風 | spring breeze |
海洋温度差発電 | ocean thermal energy conversion |
乾球温度計 | dry-bulb thermometer |
温室効果ガス | greenhouse effect gas, greenhouse gas |
地球温暖化防止会議 | Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change |
低体温 | hypothermia |
温気 | heat, warmth, sultriness |
温もる | to get warm, to become warm |
体温調節 | thermoregulation (of the body) |
保温材 | heat insulating material, lagging material |
温泉地 | spa, hot spring |
温厚篤実 | having a gentle and sincere personality |
温める 微温める | to cool something down (e.g. by adding water) |
水温む | warming of water (in spring) |
周囲温度 | ambient temperature |
温厚寡黙 | gentle and reticent |
温か | warm, mild, genial |
温泉卵 温泉たまご 温泉玉子 | egg slow-boiled so that the yolk is hard but the white is still soft (traditionally cooked in a hot spring) |
旧交を温める | to renew old friendship |
温度差 | difference in degrees of enthusiasm, interest, commitment, etc. |
温州ミカン 温州蜜柑 | satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu) |
温風暖房機 | warm air heater |
脳低体温療法 | therapeutic hypothermia for brain injury |