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年 : Year
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Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 干 (51) |
Usage Rating: | 6 |
Unicode: | 05e74 |
jis208: | 39-15 |
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年 Usage examples
企業年金 | company pension |
翌々年 翌翌年 | two years later, year after next |
いい年 好い年 | maturity, mature age |
厚生年金保険 | welfare annuity insurance |
老齢年金 | old-age pension |
年長ける | to grow old |
幾年にもわたる 幾年にも渡る 幾年にも亘る 幾年にも亙る | extending over a number of years |
一年生草本 | annual herb |
一昨年あたり 一昨年辺り | the year before last (or thereabouts) |
丑の年 | Year of the Ox |
越年草本 | biennial herb |
火星年 | Martian year |
祈年祭 | prayer service for a good crop |
国家百年の計 | permanent national policy |
昨年度の卒 | graduated last year |
新年の寿 | New Years greetings |
次年度 | next (fiscal) year |
数年間 | several years |
青年輩 | young people |
千九百年代 | the 1900s |
千年紀 千年期 | millennium |
辰の年 | the year of the Dragon |
なり年 生り年 | year of large crop |
年に一度 | once a year |
年末まで 年末迄 | before the end of this year |
年齢順 | by priority of age |
付年表 | appendix with chronological table |
本年度 | current year (fiscal, academic, etc.) |
明年度 | next (fiscal) year |
二年生 | biennial |
丸一年 | the whole year, all the year |
約半年 | approximately half a year |
学年末 | end of school year |
至福千年 | millennium |
新年号 | New Year issue |
推定年齢 | estimated (probable) age (e.g. of victim) |
成年者 | adult, person of full age |
製造年月日 | date of manufacture |
定年制 | mandatory retirement system, age-limit retirement system |
定年退職 | (compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 60), mandatory retirement, reaching retirement age |
年金制度 | pension system (scheme) |
年次総会 | annual general meeting, AGM |
年代物 | antique |
年齢制限 | age limit, age limits |
文学青年 | young literary enthusiast |
四年生 | fourth-year student |
十年 | ten years, decade |
年休 | yearly paid vacation (holiday) |
年商 | yearly (annual) turnover |