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粘 : Sticky
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sticky, glutinous, greasy, persevere
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 米 (119) |
Usage Rating: | 1410 |
Unicode: | 07c98 |
jis208: | 39-20 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
粘 Usage examples
粘りつく 粘り着く | to be sticky |
粘着性 | adhesion, stickiness, viscosity |
粘り抜く | to stick it out, to see it to the end |
増粘剤 | thickener |
粘液便 | mucous feces, mucous stool |
皮膚粘膜眼症候群 | Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
粘着テープ | adhesive tape, sticky tape |
粘着ゴム | adhesive gum, adhesive putty, blutack, blu-tack, fun-tak |