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波 : Waves
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waves, billows, Poland
ひら みな みなみ わ
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 740 |
Unicode: | 06ce2 |
jis208: | 39-40 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
波 Usage examples
熱波 | heat wave |
白波 | thief, white-crested waves |
多羅波蟹 | red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) |
老いの波 | wrinkles |
難波潟 | Naniwa Bay (old name for Osaka Bay) |
波の音 | roar of waves |
波の花 | crest of a wave, flowerlike patterns on waves in the Japan Sea in winter |
日波 | Japan and Poland |
人波を泳ぐ | to wade through a crowd |
女波 | the smaller waves |
搬送周波数 | carrier frequency |
導波管定数 | waveguide constant |
偏波 | polarisation, polarization, polarised wave, polarized wave |
短波受信機 | short-wave receiver |
短波放送 | short-wave broadcasting |
定常波 | standing (stationary) wave |
センチメートル波 | centimetric wave |
ドブロイ波 ドブローイ波 | de Broglie wave |
パルス波 | pulse wave |
マイクロ波管 | microwave tube |
ミリメートル波 | extremely high frequency wave, EHF |
磯波 | surf |
宇宙電波 | cosmic radio waves |
角周波数 | angular frequency |
音波水中探知機 | sonar |
地上波放送 | terrestrial broadcasting |
超音波検査 | ultrasound examination |
超音波検査法 | sonography, ultrasonography |
波斯 | Persia |
雨波貝 | Sakhalin surf clam (Pseudocardium sachalinense) |
波数 | wave number, wavenumber |
導波路 | waveguide (usually optical) |
波乱曲折 波瀾曲折 | very involved and troublesome situation, complicated twists and turns |
波濤万里 | faraway lands, voyage to faraway lands |
大津波 | giant tsunami, giant tidal wave |
準ミリ波 | near millimeter wave, submillimeter wave |
六波羅蜜 | the six virtues (perfections) a Buddha elect practices to attain supreme enlightenment |
暗送秋波 | giving an amorous sidelong look, casting an amorous glance (at), playing up to someone behind the scenes |
金波銀波 | sparkling waves, waves sparkling in the moonlight or with the light of the rising (setting) sun |
波及効果 | ripple effect, spillover effect, propagation effect |
媚眼秋波 | casting a coquettish (an amorous) glance (at a man) |
周波数逓倍器 | frequency multiplier |
調波 | harmonic (wave) |
ろ波器 濾波器 | filter, wave filter |
帯域通過ろ波器 | bandpass filter |
川波 | ripples on a river |
波に乗る | to go with the flow, to go with the times |
阿波おどり 阿波踊り | Awa Odori Festival (Tokushima) |