前衛派 | the avant-garde |
硬軟両派 | stalwart and insurgent factions |
左派系 | left faction |
佐幕派 | supporters of the shogun |
逍遥学派 | Peripatetic school (of philosophy) |
真宗大谷派 | Otani sect of Shinshu |
懐疑派 | the skeptics (in philosophy) (sceptics) |
少数派 | minority group (party), minority |
親日派 | pro-Japanese group, Japanophiles |
知日派 | pro-Japanese (group) |
派閥争い | factional dispute, factional strife, rivalry between factions |
反体制派 | people who are against the Establishment, anti-Establishment groups |
反対派 | opposition faction |
分離派 | separatists, secessionists |
保守派 | conservatives |
インド語派 | Indic languages, Indo-Aryan languages |
印象派美術 | impressionism |
改革派教会 | Reformed Churches |
改革派 | reformist |
党内派閥 | intra-party faction |
派遣社員 | temporary employee (esp. from an agency), temporary worker, agency temp |
派閥主義 | factionalism |
派閥政治 | faction-based politics |
無党派層 | unaffiliated voters, floating voters, swinging voters |
労働者派遣法 | Temporary Staffing Services Law |
王党派 | royalists, royalist faction |
中道右派 | right-of-center faction (group), center-right (centre) |
中道左派 | left-of-center faction (group) |
党派根性 | partisan spirit (prejudice), partisanship, factionalism |
派閥均衡 | balance of power among factions (within a political party), factional balance |
派閥抗争 | factional infighting (conflict), antagonism between factions |
派閥人事 | faction-based personnel appointment |
派閥力学 | factional dynamics, power relationships among factions, factional power politics |
無党派 | political independents |
無派閥 | belonging to no (political) faction |
ストア学派 | Stoic school, the Stoics |
御室派 | Omuro (sect of Shingo Buddhism) |
災害派遣 | disaster relief operation, disaster relief mission |
インド・アーリア語派 インドアーリア語派 | Indic languages, Indo-Aryan languages |
スンナ派 | Sunni (Islam) |
院内会派 | in-house faction (political groups within the Diet) |
教派神道 | Sect Shinto |
部派仏教 | Nikaya (early sectarian) Buddhism |
谷垣派 | Tanigaki Faction (of the LDP) |
古賀派 | Koga Faction (of the LDP) |
町村派 | Machimura Faction (of the LDP) |
伊吹派 | Ibuki Faction (of the LDP) |
旧渡辺派 | Former Watanabe Faction (of the LDP) |
山崎派 | Yamasaki Faction (of the LDP) |
高村派 | Komura Faction (of the LDP) |
津島派 | Tsushima Faction (of the LDP) |
麻生派 | Aso Faction (of the LDP) |