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薄 : Dilute
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dilute, thin, weak (tea), pampas grass
うす.い うす- -うす うす.める うす.まる うす.らぐ うす.ら- うす.れる すすき
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 艸 (140) |
Usage Rating: | 1009 |
Unicode: | 08584 |
jis208: | 39-86 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
薄 Usage examples
軽薄短小 | small and light |
薄い板 | sheet, thin plate |
薄い色 | light color, light colour |
薄紫色 | orchid, light purple |
薄様 薄葉 | thin Japanese paper (esp. vellum paper), Japanese tissue |
薄ら馬鹿 | simpleton, dimwit, sluggard |
髪が薄い | having thin hair |
期待薄 | not to be depended on, of little hope |
興味が薄い | uninteresting |
情が薄い | coldhearted, hardhearted |
擦れて薄くなる | to wear thin |
薄紗 | delicate gauze, gossamer |
薄光 | faint light, pale light |
分が薄い | thin |
水で薄める | to water down, to dilute with water |
アポロ薄羽白蝶 | parnassian butterfly |
薄 | light (e.g. colour, color) |
薄ら 薄っすら | slightly, lightly, thinly, faintly, dimly |
影が薄い | in the background, not standing out |
薄味 | bland, mild-tasting, lightly seasoned, insipid |
残忍酷薄 | cruel, brutal, atrocious, merciless |
美人薄命 | beauty and fortune seldom go together, the beautiful die young |
薄商い | light trading, low volume of transactions |
薄暗がり | semi-darkness, dusk, twilight, poor light |
薄羽蜉蝣 | ant lion (esp. species Hagenomyia micans) |
薄靄 | thin mist, light mist |
薄汚れる | to get slightly dirty (all over) |
精薄者 | mentally-handicapped person (pejorative), retarded person |
軽薄才子 | shallow, glib and obsequious person |
皮相浅薄 | shallow and unwise, superficial and thoughtless |
薄型 | thin, slim, flat |
薄型テレビ | flat-panel television (TV), thin-screen television (TV), thin-model flat-screen television (TV), flat-screen TV |
薄暮れ | evening, twilight |
薄明るい | slightly bright |
薄闇 | very dim light |
酷薄無情 | cold-hearted, merciless, ruthless |
薄紙を剥ぐように 薄紙をはぐように | little by little (recovering after an illness), slowly but surely |
お薄 御薄 | weak matcha |