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半 : Half
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half, middle, odd number, semi-, part-
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 十 (24) |
Usage Rating: | 224 |
Unicode: | 0534a |
jis208: | 40-30 |
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半 Usage examples
相半ばする | to be equal in number, degree, etc. (of two things in opposition), to balance, to cancel out |
丁か半か | even or odd |
半ば眠っている | to be half asleep |
半衿 | neckpiece (on a kimono) |
半格 | en quad |
半翅目 | Hemiptera |
反射的半順序 | reflexive partial ordering |
約半年 | approximately half a year |
後半期 | the last half-year, second half of the year |
四半世紀 | quarter of a century |
半券 | stub (of a ticket) |
アモルファス半導体 | amorphous semiconductor |
イオン半径 | ionic radius |
ガリウム砒素半導体 ガリウムひ素半導体 | gallium arsenide semiconductor |
化合物半導体 | compound semiconductor |
回転半径 | radius of gyration |
四半期収益 | quarterly earnings |
四半期収益発表 | quarterly earnings announcement |
絶対過半数 | absolute majority |
半二重通信 半2重通信 | half-duplex transmission, half-duplex communications |
半棒術 | form of martial art using a short cane staff |
半田フィレット | solder fillet |
半身 | stance with legs in an L-shape, with one leg bent in front and other extended behind (martial arts, traditional theater) |
半知半解 | superficial knowledge, half knowledge |
半島国 | peninsular country (e.g. Italy, Korea) |
半島人 | peninsular person (old pejorative for Koreans) |
一字半句 | a single word, (not even) a word, (not even) a syllable |
一年有半 | one year and a half |
冗談半分 | being somewhat (half) joking, half seriously, half in jest, in a jocular vein |
半跏趺坐 | (sitting in) the half lotus position (in Zen meditation) |
半鐘泥棒 | very tall person |
半睡半醒 | half asleep and half awake |
半醒半睡 | half awake and half asleep |
半端仕事 | odd job |
二枚目半 | man who is both handsome and fun |
教うるは学ぶの半ばなり | Teaching others teaches yourself |
半ギレ 半切れ | looking furious |
半返し | returning half of a consolatory or celebratory gift |
半通夜 | wake, vigil (that does not last the full night) |
半ドア | half-opened door (car door, etc.) |
半幅 半巾 | half-width cloth (approx. 18 cm) |