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品 : Goods
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goods, refinement, dignity, article, counter for meal courses
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 口 (30) |
Usage Rating: | 225 |
Unicode: | 054c1 |
jis208: | 41-42 |
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品 Usage examples
生鮮料品 | perishable foods |
欠陥商品 | defective merchandise |
廉価品 | low-priced goods |
食品加工業 | food industry |
食品店 | grocery store |
食品衛生法 | food hygiene law |
食料品商 | grocery store |
易損品 | fragile article |
買い得品 | good bargain |
学校用品 | school requisites (supplies) |
極め付きの品 | article of certified genuineness |
品が良い 品がよい | good quality (goods) |
品物を納める | to deliver goods |
品物を並べる | to arrange goods |
商品名 | trade (brand) name |
純良品 | genuine article |
上品ぶる 上品振る | to give oneself airs, to be prudish |
手を変え品を変え 手を替え品を替え | by hook or by crook, by all possible means |
特級品 | special grade article, superfine brand |
並製品 | article of average quality, common article |
品位 | grace, dignity, grade, nobility, quality |
品質を落とす | to lower the quality |
品の良い 品のよい | refined, genteel, graceful, decent |
毛製品 | woollen goods |
欠品 | stockout, out of stock |
自社製品 | in-house manufactured goods |
衣料品店 | clothing store |
改良品 | improved product |
革製品 | leather goods (products) |
芸術品 | work (object) of art |
工業製品 | industrial goods |
最高級品 | top quality products |
市販品 | goods on the market |
紙製品 | paper products |
事務用品 | office supplies, stationery |
小品集 | collection of literary sketches, sketch book |
食品工業 | food industry |
生活必需品 | daily (living) necessities, necessities, essentials for life |
生鮮食料品 | perishable food, perishables |
展示品 | goods on display, (an) exhibit, exhibition (of goods) |
電化製品 | electrical appliances, electric appliances |
特製品 | specially made article |
特選品 | choice goods |
特注品 | article specially made to order, made-to-measure (custom-made) article |
納品書 | statement of delivery |
複製品 | copy, reproduction, replica, facsimile |
文芸作品 | literary work |
奉仕品 | bargain goods, sale items |
類似品 | imitation, similar article, similar goods |
単品 | single item out of a set, one item from a set |
アイディア商品 | novelty |
アルカリ性食品 | alkaline food |
システム商品 | system goods |
ブランド商品 | brand items |
医薬部外品 | quasi-drug, medicated products, quasi-medicine, product with relatively mild medicinal effect, sold in general stores as well as pharmacies |
化学薬品 | chemicals |