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不 : Negative
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negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy
Strokes: | 4 |
Radical: | 一 (1) |
Usage Rating: | 101 |
Unicode: | 04e0d |
jis208: | 41-52 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
不 Usage examples
構造不況 | structural recession |
老少不定 | Death comes to old and young alike, uncertainty of life |
遇不遇 | happiness and sorrows |
幸か不幸か | luckily or unluckily, for good or for evil |
稔実不良 | poor crop (of rice) |
不意を打つ 不意を討つ | to take (a person) unawares, to make a surprise attack |
不覚を取る 不覚をとる | to suffer an embarrassing defeat |
不活性化 | inactivation |
不堪 | incompetence |
不帰の客 | deceased person |
不心得を戒める | to caution a person against misconduct |
不思議な縁 | quirk of fate, curious coincidence, happy chance |
不治の病 | incurable illness |
不斉地用タイヤ | off the road tire (tyre) |
不正の臭い | smack of evil |
不正を矯める | to redress injustice |
不善を為す 不善をなす | to commit vice, to do evil |
不足を補う | to make up a shortfall, to cover a shortage, to compensate for a shortage, to fill a gap |
不注意による | caused by carelessness |
不通箇所 | tied-up places (spots) |
不貞腐れ | sulkiness |
不変の理 | eternal truth |
不犯 | strict observance of the Buddhist commandment that all priests should be celibate |
不透明性 | opacity |
不飽和 | unsaturated |
不 | un-, non-, negative prefix |
不学 | unlearned, uneducated |
不合格者 | unsuccessful candidate, rejected person |
不純異性交遊 | illicit sexual relationship |
不心得者 | imprudent (misguided) fellow |
不正融資 | fraudulent loans |
不能者 | impotent (person) |
不変量 | constant, invariable |
不法投棄 | unlawful dumping (e.g. of garbage) |
不良債権 | bad debt |
不良少女 | bad girl, juvenile delinquent |
練習不足 | lack of training |
露出不足 | underexposure |
不生女 | barren (sterile) woman |
不採用 | rejection (of an application) |
水不足 | water shortage, shortage of water supply |
不沈艦 | unsinkable battleship |
一所不住 | transient lifestyle |
冠不全 | coronary insufficiency |
うっ血性心不全 | congestive heart failure, CHF |
肝不全 | liver failure |
金融不安 | financial instability, financial uncertainty, financial turmoil, financial unrest, financial jitters |
契約不履行 | breach of contract |
景気不安 | economic malaise |
呼吸不全 | respiratory failure |
後天性免疫不全症候群 | acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS |
支払不能 | insolvency |