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払 : Pay
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pay, clear out, prune, banish, dispose of
フツ ヒツ ホツ
はら.う -はら.い -ばら.い
Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 813 |
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払 Usage examples
薙ぎ払う なぎ払う | to mow down |
打ち払う 打払う | to repel (e.g. enemy), to drive away, to rout |
掻っ払う | to swipe, to filch, to pilfer, to snatch, to walk off with |
撃ち払う 撃払う | to drive someone off with gunfire |
勘定を払う | to pay a bill |
支払い済み | settled, paid |
支払いを拒む | to decline to pay, to refuse payment |
注意を払う | to pay attention (to) |
付けを払う | to pay a bill |
払い落とす | to brush off, to shake off |
払い超 | deficit in long-term capital |
払い戻し 払戻し 払戻 | repayment, refund, payback |
遅払い | delay in payment |
払い下げ | disposal (usu. of unwanted government assets), sale |
払子 | brush of long, white hair |
過払い 過払 | over-payment, paying too much |
支払い手続き 支払手続き | payment arrangements or procedures |
給料支払小切手 | paycheck |
支払い能力 支払能力 | solvency, ability to pay |
支払不能 | insolvency |
税支払い免除 | tax relief |
電子支払い | electronic payment |
払込資本 | paid-in capital |
未払いローン | outstanding loan |
要求払い預金 | demand deposit |
利子支払い | interest payment |
一括払い | lump-sum payment |
鞘を払う | to draw a sword |
年払い | yearly payment, annual payment |
右払い | in calligraphy, a triangular stroke going from upper left to lower right |
左払い | in calligraphy, a stroke going from upper right to lower left with a pointed tail |
支払い準備率 支払準備率 | reserve ratio, reserve rate |
裾払い | rear footsweep |