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噴 : Erupt
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erupt, spout, emit, flush out
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 口 (30) |
Usage Rating: | 1270 |
Unicode: | 05674 |
jis208: | 42-14 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
噴 Usage examples
噴飯物 | quite absurd thing, something that makes one laugh |
火山噴出物 | volcanic product |
割れ目噴火 | fissure eruption |
噴きこぼれる | to boil over |
噴射式 | injection device, spray |
噴水効果 | fountain effect (theory that high sales in the basement of a department store lead to increased sales in the upper levels as well) |
噴出性嘔吐 | projectile vomiting |