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粉 : Flour
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flour, powder, dust
デシメートル こ こな
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 米 (119) |
Usage Rating: | 1484 |
Unicode: | 07c89 |
jis208: | 42-20 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
粉 Usage examples
紅白粉 | makeup |
紅粉 | powdered rouge |
白玉粉 | refined rice flour, rice flour for dumplings |
染め粉 | dye |
うどん粉 饂飩粉 | udon flour (wheat flour) |
粉々になる 粉粉になる | to break into fragments, to go to pieces |
精粉 | fine powder |
洗濯粉 | detergent |
鉄粉 | iron powder |
粉壁 | white wall |
ノミ取り粉 蚤取り粉 ノミ取粉 蚤取粉 | flea powder |
継粉 | unmixed-in lump of flour |
圧粉磁心 | dust core |
花粉管核 | pollen tube nucleus |
花粉分析 | pollen analysis |
花粉母細胞 | pollen mother cell |
原料粉末 | base powder, bulk powder |
粉飾決算 | fraudulent accounting, window-dressing settlement of accounts, creative accounting |
青粉 | algal bloom, water bloom |
青粉毒 | poisonous algae bloom (often green in color) (colour) |
羅利粉灰 | being scattered in all directions, being broken up and dispersed |
饂飩粉病 | powdery mildew |
切り粉 | chips or shavings left after cutting wood or metal with a saw, etc. |
白粉花 | marvel-of-Peru, Mirabilis jalapa |
樫粉 | oak flour (esp. as animal food), acorn flour |
粉末状 | powdered, in powder form |
化粧用打ち粉 | talcum powder |
打ち粉 | powder (for polishing, dusting, etc.) |
大豆粉 | soy flour |