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華 : Splendor
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splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous
Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 艸 (140) |
Usage Rating: | 1085 |
Unicode: | 083ef |
jis208: | 18-58 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
華 Usage examples
硫黄華 | flowers of sulfur, flowers of sulphur |
雪華 | snowflakes |
栄華の極み | apex of prosperity |
華を去り実に就く | to seek results, not show, to discard the flower for the fruit |
華を持たせる | to let someone have the credit for (a success), to let someone else carry the flowers |
冷やし中華 冷し中華 | chilled Chinese noodles |
武士道の華 | flower of chivalry (Bushido) |
妙法蓮華経 | Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma, Lotus Sutra |
亜鉛華軟膏 | zinc oxide ointment |
豪華船 | luxury liner |
中華丼 | bowl of rice with a chop-suey-like mixture on it |
温泉華 | travertine |
華字 | Chinese character |
華字紙 | Chinese newspaper |
絢爛豪華 | luxurious and gorgeous, splendid, dazzling |
拈華微笑 | heart-to-heart communication, thought transference, holding a flower and subtly smiling |
華氏 | degrees Fahrenheit |
絢爛華麗 | luxurious and gorgeous, splendid, dazzling, magnificent |
荘厳華麗 | majestic and splendid |
壮大華麗 | grandiose and splendid |
富貴栄華 | wealth, rank, and arrogant splendor |
青華 | ceramics with a blue pattern on a white background |
供華 | offering of flowers (at shrine, grave, etc.), floral tribute |
華流 | influx of Chinese pop culture (into Japan) |
中華そば 中華蕎麦 | Chinese noodles (esp. ramen) |
中華まんじゅう 中華饅頭 | Chinese dumpling, Chinese steamed bun |
日華事変 | Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) |
日華戦争 | Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) |
散り蓮華 散蓮華 | fallen lotus petal |
華金 | TGIF, going out on Friday night, flowery Friday (when young men et al. stay out late) |