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壁 : Wall
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wall, lining (stomach), fence
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 土 (32) |
Usage Rating: | 1037 |
Unicode: | 058c1 |
jis208: | 42-41 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
壁 Usage examples
生壁 | undried wall |
岩壁 巌壁 | wall of rock, rock cliff, rock face |
土壁 | mud wall |
壁に掛かる 壁にかかる | to hang on the wall |
壁に寄り掛かる | to rest against the wall, to lean against a wall |
壁塗り | plastering |
壁を貫く | to penetrate the wall |
言葉の壁 | language barrier |
粉壁 | white wall |
北壁 | northern cliff |
壁役 | tank (character that soaks up damage for the rest of the party in an MMORPG) |
細胞壁 | cell wall |
障壁画 | pictures on (room) partitions |
断崖絶壁 | precipitous cliff, sheer precipice |
腸壁 | intestinal wall |
貿易障壁 | trade barrier |
防護壁 | protective wall |
石壁 | rocky cliff, stone precipice |
馬鹿の壁 バカの壁 | phenomenon that perfect reasoning fail if an idiot cannot understand |
家壁蝨 | tropical rat mite (Ornithonyssus bacoti) |
塗り壁 塗壁 | plaster or mortar-covered wall |
東壁 | east face (e.g. of a building) |
血管壁 | vascular wall |
壁に耳あり | walls have ears |
ベルリンの壁 | the Berlin Wall |
壁に耳あり障子に目あり | walls have ears, wall have ears, sliding doors have eyes |