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峰 : Summit
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Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 山 (46) |
Usage Rating: | 1836 |
Unicode: | 05cf0 |
jis208: | 42-86 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
峰 Usage examples
剣ヶ峰 剣ケ峰 剣が峰 | dire or risky situation with no room for error, sink-or-swim position |
雄峰 | majestic mountain |
高峰八座 | eight lofty peaks |
芙蓉峰 | Mount Fuji, Mt. Fuji |
峰頭 | summit of a peak |
未踏峰 未登峰 | unclimbed mountain |
峰伝い | along the ridges |
峰続き | succession of peaks |
峰峰 | peaks |
喜望峰 | Cape of Good Hope |
小峰楓 | garden maple, komine maple, acer micranthum |
夜糞峰榛 | Japanese cherry birch (Betula grossa) |
名峰 | famous mountain, beautiful mountain |