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崩 : Crumble
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crumble, die, demolish, level
くず.れる -くず.れ くず.す
Strokes: | 11 |
Radical: | 山 (46) |
Usage Rating: | 778 |
Unicode: | 05d29 |
jis208: | 42-88 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
崩 Usage examples
核崩壊 | disintegration of a cell nucleus |
形が崩れる | to get out of shape, to lose shape |
学生崩れ | degenerate ex-student |
崩れ去る | to crumble away, to collapse |
天気の崩れ | break (change for the worse) in the weather |
膝を崩す | to sit at ease |
身を持ち崩す | to ruin oneself |
価格崩壊 | price destruction |
金融崩壊 | financial collapse |
経済崩壊 | economic collapse, economic meltdown |
土崩瓦解 | complete collapse, (something) going to pieces (breaking up beyond repair) |
崩壊寸前 | on the brink of collapse, in a state of near-collapse |
崩折れる | to collapse (physically or emotionally), to fall down |
稀崩壊 | rare decay |
細胞崩壊 | cytolysis, breakdown of cells by the destruction of their outer membrane |
崩れかかる 崩れ掛かる 崩れ掛る | to crumble and fall (or collapse) onto another object |