生活保護法 | Livelihood Protection Law |
経済法 | economic law |
天文航法 | celestial navigation |
立法権 | legislative power |
立法機関 | legislature, legislative body |
食品衛生法 | food hygiene law |
食事療法 食餌療法 | medical diet, dietary cure |
食糧管理法 | Staple Food Control Act |
辻説法 | street preaching |
欽定憲法 | constitution granted by the Emperor |
弘法 | spreading Buddhist teachings |
最賃法 | Minimum Wages Act |
証券取引法 | Securities and Exchange Act |
自賠法 | Automobile Accident Compensation Act |
生活法 | art of living, way of life |
積算法 | integration |
騒音防止法 | Noise Abatement Act |
措辞法 | syntax |
道交法 | Road Traffic Act |
銅アンモニア法 | cuprous ammoniacal process |
法を越える | to violate the laws of nature, to overstep the bounds of moderation |
法会 | Buddhist service (e.g. memorial service) |
法帖 | copybook printed from the works of old masters of calligraphy |
法と時制 | mood and tense |
法と実 | divisor and dividend |
法と時 | mood and tense |
法に適う | to conform to the rules of etiquette |
法に触れる | to violate the law, to have a brush with the law, to have a run-in with the law |
法律を変える | to revise (amend) the law |
法令を敷く | to promulgate a law |
法を犯す | to violate the law |
法を説く | to preach the truth |
法を守る | to observe the law |
妙法蓮華経 | Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma, Lotus Sutra |
蘭栽培法 | orchidology |
演繹的説明法 | deductive method |
核文法 | core grammar |
機能単一化文法 | functional unification grammar, FUG |
句構造文法 | phrase structure grammar, PSG |
語彙機能文法 | lexical-functional grammar, LFG |
主辞駆動句構造文法 | head-driven phrase structure grammar, HPSG |
体系文法 | systemic grammar |
範疇文法 | categorical grammar |
普遍文法 | universal grammar |
文法規則 | grammar rule |
文法性 | grammaticality |
文字符号化法 | character encoding scheme |
有限状態文法 | finite-state grammar |
ハートビル法 | nickname of Building Access law |
英米法 | Anglo-American law |
解決法 | solution, way out |
管弦楽法 | orchestration |
関係法規 | related laws and regulations |
軽犯罪法 | Minor Offenses Act |
憲法学者 | constitutional scholar (lawyer), expert in constitutional law |
研究方法 | research methods, method of study (research) |
現行法規 | existing laws, regulations now (at present) in force |
現地法人 | local subsidiary |
公職選挙法 | Public Office Election Law |