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霞 : Be hazy
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be hazy, grow dim, blurred
かすみ かす.む
Strokes: | 17 |
Radical: | 雨 (173) |
Usage Rating: | 1603 |
Unicode: | 0971e |
jis208: | 18-66 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
霞 Usage examples
雲霞の如く | in swarms |
霞を食う | to derive nourishment from an elemental portion of mist or fog (the goal of a mountain ascetic) |
朝霞 | morning glow, morning mist (haze) |
遠くに霞む | to loom in the distance |
霞石 | nepheline |
霞桜 | Korean hill cherry (Prunus verecunda) |