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飽 : Sated
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sated, tired of, bored, satiate
あ.きる あ.かす あ.く
Strokes: | 13 |
Radical: | 食 (184) |
Usage Rating: | 1780 |
Unicode: | 098fd |
jis208: | 43-16 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
飽 Usage examples
暖衣飽食 | well-fed and well-dressed |
聞き飽きる | to be tired of hearing |
金に飽かして | sparing no money, regardless of expense |
聴衆を飽かさない | holding the attention of the audience |
不飽和 | unsaturated |
過飽和蒸気 | supersaturated vapor, supersaturated vapour |
過飽和溶液 | supersaturated solution |
飽和市場 | saturated market |
飽かぬ | unwearied, unwearying |
飽き易い | tired of, wearied, fickle |
飽くなき 飽く無き | insatiable, untiring, persistent |
飽食暖衣 | being well fed and warmly clothed |
飽く | to do adequately, to enjoy |
飽食時代 | current era of excessive eating, era in which there is more than enough food, age of plenty, age of plentiful food |