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墨 : Black ink
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black ink, India ink, ink stick, Mexico
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 土 (32) |
Usage Rating: | 1616 |
Unicode: | 058a8 |
jis208: | 43-47 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
墨 Usage examples
縄墨 | standard, inked timber marking string |
日墨 | Japan and Mexico |
文人墨客 | writers and artists, persons who take delight in such refined pursuits as poetry, literature, painting and calligraphy |
墨黠虜 | late Edo-period pejorative for Americans |
旧套墨守 | clinging to old customs, adhering to old traditions |
墨痕淋漓 | dripping ink marks, a work of calligraphy being written in bold and vivid strokes |
詩人墨客 | poets and artists, persons who take delight in such refined pursuits as poetry, literature, painting, and calligraphy |
墨跡 墨蹟 | writing (especially of a Zen monk), penmanship |
雪と墨 | snow and ink (esp. used as an example of diametric opposites, like night and day) |
水墨山水 | landscape painting in black india ink |