前相撲 | preliminary bouts with unranked wrestlers, unranked wrestlers |
水入りの相撲 | match with a break |
相撲部屋 | stable |
押し相撲 | pushing sumo, classic way of wrestling without using the belt |
大相撲さん | unofficial term for professional wrestlers |
アマ相撲 | amateur sumo |
相撲甚句 | sumo-themed song, song sung at sumo events |
相撲字 | writing style used to write the rankings |
相撲文字 | writing style used to write the rankings |
天覧相撲 | wrestling performed in imperial presence |
台覧相撲 | wrestling performed in the presence of the empress or crown prince |
勧進相撲 | fund-raising tournaments of Edo period |
神事相撲 | sumo performed as part of Shinto harvest festivities |
節会相撲 | sumo performed at ancient Japanese imperial court |
御当地相撲 | local wrestler, crowd favorite (favourite) |
電車道相撲 | railroading an opponent straight out of the ring |
上覧相撲 | match held in front of the Emperor |
撲滅運動 | exterminatory measure, eradication campaign |
紙相撲 | paper sumo |
女相撲 | female sumo wrestling, female sumo wrestler |
給金相撲 | match that determines if a rikishi will have more wins than losses |
新相撲 | "new" sumo (for women) conducted on a mat, wearing leotards instead of a mawashi |
座り相撲 | wrestling performed in a sitting position |