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没 : Drown
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drown, sink, hide, fall into, disappear, die
おぼ.れる しず.む ない
Strokes: | 7 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1385 |
Unicode: | 06ca1 |
jis208: | 43-55 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
没 Usage examples
陥没湖 | lake formed in volcanic caldera |
戦没者追悼式 | memorial service for the war dead |
没する | to confiscate, to vanish, to set |
出没自在 | appearing and disappearing at will, elusive, phantom-like |
変幻出没 | being protean and elusive, appear and disappear like a phantom |
戦没者追悼 | war memorial, memorial (monument) to war dead |
没風流 | inelegance, want of artistic taste, lack of poetic sense |
没風流漢 | prosaic person, person of an unromantic turn of mind, philistine |