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漫 : Cartoon
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cartoon, involuntarily, unrestrained, in spite of oneself, corrupt
みだり.に そぞ.ろ
Strokes: | 14 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1408 |
Unicode: | 06f2b |
jis208: | 44-01 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
漫 Usage examples
漫楽 | manzai (comic dialogue) accompanied by music |
漫画雑誌 | comic book |
漫画本 | comic book |
漫才師 | (one of) a comic duo |
漫言放語 | saying whatever one feels, speaking at random, making careless remarks, rambling talk |
諸国漫遊 | tour round the country (Japan) (visiting from province to province) |
漫ろ言 | rambling talk, vague remarks |
漫画研究会 | manga club |
漫研 | manga club |
由婁漫 | non-ordained Christian monk |
漫喫 | manga cafe, coffee shop with a manga library (usu. has Internet facilities and charges by the hour) |
漫画喫茶 | manga cafe, coffee shop with a manga library (usu. has Internet facilities and charges by the hour) |