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命 : Fate
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fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint
Strokes: | 8 |
Radical: | 口 (30) |
Usage Rating: | 465 |
Unicode: | 0547d |
jis208: | 44-31 |
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命 Usage examples
流通革命 | distribution revolution |
立命 | peace of mind |
命を懸ける 命を賭ける 命をかける | to put everything one has into it |
命を保つ | to preserve life |
上からの命令 | order from above |
革命児 | man of revolutionary temperament |
使命を帯びる | to be charged with a mission |
命令を下す | to give an order |
存命中 | (while) in life |
貴い命 | precious life |
露の命 | life as evanescent as the dew |
命により 命に依り | under the orders of, by order (command) |
命令を伝える | to pass on an order, to pass the word |
命を奉じる | to obey orders |
革命軍 | revolutionary army |
出頭命令 | (issuing) order requiring somebody to report personally (to a police station), subpoena |
生命維持装置 | life-support system |
生命工学 | biotechnology |
生命保険会社 | life insurance company |
任命権 | appointive power |
命題関数 | propositional (sentential) function |
命中率 | accuracy rate |
命名法 | nomenclature |
エネルギー革命 | energy revolution |
プロレタリア革命 | proletarian revolution |
ロシア革命 | Russian Revolution |
違命 | disobedience |
永久革命論 | permanent revolution |
仮言的命令 | hypothetical imperative |
価格革命 | price revolution |
科学革命 | scientific revolution |
海外旅行生命保険 | overseas travel life insurance |
革命評議会 | revolutionary council |
延命治療 | life-prolonging treatment |
隔離命令 | isolation order |
業務改善命令 | business improvement order |
緊急救命室 | emergency room, ER, casualty department |
裁判所命令 | court injunction, court order |
社長命令 | order from the company president |
政治生命 | political life |
配備命令 | deployment order |
亡命希望者 | asylum seeker |
無血革命 | bloodless revolution |
生命体 | life-form |
易姓革命 | revolution (change of dynasty) decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue (old Chinese political thought) |
美人薄命 | beauty and fortune seldom go together, the beautiful die young |
運命づける 運命付ける | to preordain |
延命息災 | health and longevity, enjoying a long and healthy life being untouched by disaster |
五十知命 | At age fifty, one comes to know the will of Heaven. (Confucius) |