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面 : Mask
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mask, face (radical 176)
おも おもて つら
お ずら ほおつき も
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 面 (176) |
Usage Rating: | 186 |
Unicode: | 09762 |
jis208: | 44-44 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
面 Usage examples
生面 | new field |
白面 | fair complexion, face without makeup, inexperience |
吠え面 | tearful face |
正多面体 | regular polyhedron |
印面 | face of a seal |
技術面 | technical side |
小面憎い | cheeky, saucy, pert |
七面体 | heptahedron |
水面を掠める | to skim over the water |
図面を引く | to draw a plan |
線織面 | ruled surface |
舞楽面 | mask worn by a bugaku dancer |
水の面 | surface of the water, face of the water |
名場面 | famous (impressive) scene |
面倒見が良い 面倒見がよい | very helpful, caring, service-minded |
面倒を掛ける 面倒をかける | to put someone to trouble |
面目を施す | to get credit, to win honor, to win honour |
面頬 | face guard, visor |
面を着ける | to put a mask on |
面を取る | to plane off the corners |
杭周面摩擦力 | pile shaft friction |
地表面 | ground surface |
界面活性剤 | surfactant |
経済面 | financial aspects, economic front |
多面性 | various facets (aspects) |
背面飛行 | inverted flight |
平面交差 | grade crossing, level crossing |
面会室 | visiting room |
翼面積 | wing area |
立面図 | elevation (view) |
フェルミ面 | Fermi surface |
延床面積 | total floor space |
鉛直面 | vertical plane |
回転面 | surface of revolution |
海面更正 | reduction of mean sea level |
海面変動 | sea level change |
界面化学 | surface chemistry |
界面活性 | surface active |
界面現象 | interfacial phenomenon, surface phenomenon |
額面株 | par value stock |
急斜面 | steep slope |
面舵を取る | to steer to starboard |
額面超過額 | premium |
全面核戦争 | all-out nuclear war |
イケ面 いけ面 | good-looking guy, handsome man, hunk, Adonis, cool guy |
圧面 | beshimi, noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrils |
面付け | pagination (printing) |
五面体 | pentahedron |