難問題 | difficult problem or question |
職務質問 | police questioning |
該問題 | the matter in question, the said problem |
学問の奨め | encouragement of learning |
学問の徒 | scholar, student |
経験を問わず | no experience necessary |
答えにくい質問 答え難い質問 | awkward (difficult) question |
顧問団 | advisory body, think tank |
質問攻め 質問ぜめ | barrage of questions |
質問に答える | to answer a question |
信を問う | to make an appeal to the confidence of |
末の問題 | a mere trifle |
問いを掛ける 問いをかける | to ask a question of (a person) |
生学問 | imperfect (superficial) knowledge |
問題の点 | point in dispute |
問題を扱う | to deal with (handle) a matter |
問題を詰める | to work toward a solution to a problem |
洋の東西を問わず | in all parts of the world, in all countries, anywhere in the world, both in the Occident and the Orient |
家庭訪問 | home visit, house call |
環境問題 | environmental problem (issue) |
関連質問 | follow-up question, related question, interpellation on related matters |
経済問題 | economic problem |
計算問題 | numerical calculation |
懸賞問題 | problem for a prize contest |
顧問弁護士 | legal adviser, legal advisor, corporation lawyer, family lawyer |
交通問題 | traffic problem |
死活問題 | matter of life or death, life-and-death problem |
試験問題 | examination (exam) questions, questions for an examination |
諮問委員会 | advisory committee (council, panel) |
資源問題 | resources problem |
時事問題 | current question, current topics |
実際問題 | practical question (problem), practical matter |
住宅問題 | housing problem |
重大問題 | serious (vital) question, a grave issue, a matter of grave concern |
政治問題 | political issue (problem) |
訪問客 | caller, visitor |
問い合わせ先 問合せ先 問合先 | reference (e.g. personal reference) |
問題領域 | problem area |
練習問題 | exercises, practice problem |
現金問屋 | cash-basis wholesaler |
全問 | all the questions (in exam) |
発問 | asking or putting a question, questioning |
エネルギー問題 | energy problems |
一般質問 | general interpellation |
問い直す 問いなおす | to question again, to repeat a question (esp. a problematic point, or to verify understanding), to repeat a query |
環境問題専門家 | environmentalist |
疑問票 | disputed ballot |
契約問題 | contract dispute |