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有 : Possess
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possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx
あ あら あり ある くに なお ゆ
Strokes: | 6 |
Radical: | 月 (74) |
Usage Rating: | 282 |
Unicode: | 06709 |
jis208: | 45-13 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
有 Usage examples
有り合う | to happen to be present |
有無相通じる | to help each other, to complement |
心有る | thoughtful, considerate, sensible |
有尾類 | urodeles (tailed amphibians) |
故有って | for a certain reason, owing to unavoidable circumstances |
有り難く頂く 有り難くいただく | to accept (a thing) with thanks |
威有って猛からず | dignified without being overbearing, being dignified, and moreover warm, as such one is gentle |
一読の価値が有る | to be worth reading |
有為 | perpetual change caused by karma, vicissitudes of life, that which is made |
得る所が有る | to get benefit from |
趣の有る | zestful, tasteful, elegant |
甲斐が有る | to be effective, to be fruitful, to be worthwhile, to be worth, to be rewarded |
限り有る | finite, limited |
隔世の感が有る | to be poles apart |
角の有る | angled, angular |
含蓄の有る | significant, suggestive, pregnant (with meaning) |
癖の有る文章 | mannered style (of writing), idiosyncratic style |
圭角の有る | harsh-mannered, angular, rough |
仮有 | temporary existence |
効が有る | to be beneficial to, to be efficacious |
光輝有る | brilliant, shining, splendid, glorious |
心当たりが有る | to have an idea, to have a clue |
然有らぬ体で | with a nonchalant air |
幸有る | fortunate, happy, lucky |
実の有る | faithful, sincere |
序でが有る | to have occasion to do |
刺の有る言葉 | stinging (barbed) words, harsh language |
毒の有る | harmful, poisonous, malicious |
栄え有る | splendid, glorious |
便の有り次第 | on the first opportunity |
骨の有る | having spirit, (being) staunch, having backbone |
溝が有る | to be estranged |
実の有る | solid, substantial, substantive |
有為の材 | man of talent |
有夏 | Mainland China |
有衆 | the multitudes, the people |
有力馬 | hopeful (promising or strong) candidate |
良い引きが有る | to have a strong pull |
用が有る | to have things to do |
理の有る | justifiable |
有限状態文法 | finite-state grammar |
含有率 | content by percentage |
占有率 | occupancy (rate), share (e.g. of market) |
著作権所有者 | copyright holder |
有価物 | valuables |
有害物質 | toxic substance |
有機農法 | organic agriculture (farming) |
有機肥料 | organic fertilizer, organic fertiliser |
有限集合 | finite set |
有効期間 | term of validity, period for which (a ticket) is available (valid) |
有効打 | telling blow |
有罪判決 | guilty verdict, judgment of guilty (judgement) |
有性生殖 | sexual reproduction, zoogamy |
有声子音 | voiced consonant |
有線通信 | cable communications |
有望株 | hopeful stock (share) |
有名校 | famous school or university |