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壊 : Demolition
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demolition, break, destroy
こわ.す こわ.れる やぶ.る
Strokes: | 16 |
Radical: | 土 (32) |
Usage Rating: | 727 |
Unicode: | 058ca |
jis208: | 18-85 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
壊 Usage examples
叩き壊す たたき壊す | to tear down, to shatter |
核崩壊 | disintegration of a cell nucleus |
壊れ易い | fragile, break easily |
倒壊 | destruction, collapse, crumbling |
せん断破壊 剪断破壊 | shear failure |
自然破壊 | destruction of nature |
ガス壊疽 | gas gangrene |
壊変 | disintegration |
損壊 | damage, destruction |
価格崩壊 | price destruction |
金融崩壊 | financial collapse |
経済崩壊 | economic collapse, economic meltdown |
森林破壊 | deforestation |
脊椎破壊 | spina bifida |
風俗壊乱 | corruption of public morals, an offense against public morality |
金剛不壊 | firm and solid, sturdy and indestructible, unshakable, adamantine |
破壊工作 | subversive activities |
破壊分子 | subversive, subversive element |
崩壊寸前 | on the brink of collapse, in a state of near-collapse |
稀崩壊 | rare decay |
非破壊 | non-destructive |
器物損壊 | property damage (not including ships, buildings, planes and documents) |
細胞崩壊 | cytolysis, breakdown of cells by the destruction of their outer membrane |
壊滅的 | devastating, catastrophic, crushing |
抗壊血病 | antiscorbutic, preventive against scurvy |
相互確証破壊 | mutual assured destruction |
雰囲気を壊す | to spoil the mood |
中毒性表皮壊死症 | toxic epidermal necrosis |
価格破壊 | sudden, wide-spread drop in prices |