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由 : Wherefore
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Strokes: | 5 |
Radical: | 田 (102) |
Usage Rating: | 325 |
Unicode: | 07531 |
jis208: | 45-19 |
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由 Usage examples
貿易自由化 | trade liberalization, trade liberalisation |
表向きの理由 | ostensible (surface) reason |
自由の女神像 | Statue of Liberty |
性の自由 | sexual freedom |
由無き | meaningless, senseless, absurd |
来由 | origin, cause |
左のような理由 | the reason(s) is (are) as follows |
自由裁量権 | discretionary power |
自由市場 | free market |
自由時間 | free time, time at leisure |
自由主義経済 | free economy |
輸入自由化 | liberalization of imports, liberalisation of imports |
海洋自由 | freedom of the sea |
言論の自由 | free speech, freedom of speech |
思想の自由 | freedom of thought |
自由契約選手 | free agent |
自由市場経済 | free-market economy |
自由戦士 | freedom fighter |
政治自由化 | political liberalization, political liberalisation |
耳の不自由 | deafness, the deaf |
目の不自由 | blindness, the blind |
自由奔放 | free and uncontrolled, behaving with abandon, freewheeling |
自由闊達 自由豁達 自由濶達 | free and easy, open and natural, not fastidious |
自由人 | free person, free spirit, son of freedom |
自由世界 | Free World |
自由画 | free drawing |
自由勝手 | free, unfettered, doing as one likes |
自由気儘 自由気まま | free, unfettered, doing as one likes |
自由裁量 | latitude, discretionary powers, a free hand |
自由三昧 | free, unfettered, doing as one likes |
自由放題 | as freely as one pleases, at will |
由婁漫 | non-ordained Christian monk |
自由連合 | Jiyuu Rengou, Liberal League (Japanese political party) |
新自由主義 | neoliberalism |
動物由来感染症 | anthropozoonosis (diseases transmitted to humans by animals) |
招へい理由書 招聘理由書 | invitation letter (e.g. document in support of a visa to enter Japan) |
いくつかの理由から | for whatever reason |