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洋 : Ocean
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ocean, western style
なだ ひろ ひろし よ よし
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 763 |
Unicode: | 06d0b |
jis208: | 45-46 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
洋 Usage examples
洸洋 | unfathomable, great expanse of water, incoherent |
西洋碁 | checkers |
西洋将棋 | chess |
洋の東西を問わず | in all parts of the world, in all countries, anywhere in the world, both in the Occident and the Orient |
海洋物理学 | physical oceanography |
西洋史 | history of the Western world |
西洋文明 | Western civilization, Western civilisation |
東洋史 | Asian history, Oriental history |
大洋州 | Oceania, Pacific Ocean countries |
アジア太平洋 | Asia-Pacific (region) |
洋 | open sea |
海洋プレート | oceanic plate |
海洋リモートセンシング | ocean remote sensing |
海洋温度差発電 | ocean thermal energy conversion |
海洋監視衛星 | ocean surveillance satellite |
海洋観測 | oceanographic observation |
海洋気象 | oceanic climate |
海洋構造物 | offshore structure |
海洋自由 | freedom of the sea |
海洋哨戒機 | maritime patrol aircraft, MPA |
海洋生物地理区 | marine biogeographic region |
海洋地質学 | submarine geology |
海洋調査船 | ocean investigation ship |
海洋法 | Law of the Sea |
海洋牧場 | marine ranch, marifarm |
アジア太平洋経済協力会議 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC |
海洋警察 | maritime police |
太平洋経済協力会議 | Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, PECC |
東洋医学 | Oriental medicine, Eastern medicine |
洋文 | word created by translating components of a Western word |
前途洋々 前途洋洋 | with a rosy future, offering promising prospects |
西洋すぐり 西洋酸塊 | (European) gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) |
西洋榛 | Eurasian hazel (Corylus avellana) |
西洋崇拝主義 | worship or admiration of Western cultures |
太平洋岸 | Pacific coast |
太平洋横断 | trans-Pacific, trans-Pacific crossing |
海洋学者 | oceanographer |
海洋生物学 | marine biology |
洋字 | characters used by Western civilization (esp. the Latin alphabet) |
遠洋貿易 | ocean trade, trade by sea |