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落 : Fall
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fall, drop, come down, village, hamlet
お.ちる お.ち お.とす
Strokes: | 12 |
Radical: | 艸 (140) |
Usage Rating: | 420 |
Unicode: | 0843d |
jis208: | 45-78 |
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落 Usage examples
奈落の底 | abyss |
楽屋落ち | inside joke, private joke |
虎落 | bamboo fence, extortion |
虎落笛 | winter wind whistling through a bamboo fence |
射落とす | to shoot down, to win, to gain |
付け落とす | to neglect to make an entry in a ledger |
蹴落とす 蹴落す | to kick down, to defeat |
追い落とす | to disperse, to take a castle |
言い落す 言落す | to omit, to forget to mention, to leave unspoken |
ふるい落とす 篩い落とす ふるい落す 篩い落す | to sift out, to screen or eliminate (candidates) |
落ち行く | to flee, to be ruined |
競り落とす 競り落す | to knock down the price of |
こき落とす 扱き落とす | to thresh |
聞き落す | to fail to catch |
生まれ落ちる 生れ落ちる | to be born |
掻き落とす | to scrape off |
一段落付ける | to complete the first stage of, to settle for the time being |
栄落 | flourishing and declining |
落とし主 落し主 | loser, owner of a lost article |
角落ち | shogi game with the superior player playing without the kaku |
狐を落とす | to exorcise a fox spirit (from a person) |
こすり落とす 擦り落とす | to scrape off, to rub off |
滴り落ちる したたり落ちる | to trickle down |
信用がガタ落ちだ | a sudden fall in public estimation (e.g. into the gutter) |
速力を落とす | to slow down |
単位を落とす | fail to make the grade |
砦を落とす | to capture a fort |
払い落とす | to brush off, to shake off |
品質を落とす | to lower the quality |
厄を落とす | to exorcise, to escape evil |
邑落 | hamlet |
空中落下 | air pluviation, pluviate |
落選者 | unsuccessful candidate |
引き落とし 引落とし | debit, frontal pull-down, hiki-otoshi |
瓦落多 | junk, rubbish, trash, garbage, odds and ends |
中落ち | left-over flesh on the spine of a fish (esp. tuna) or beef |
落綿 | cotton waste |
落筆 | initial brush stroke in calligraphy |
増資権利落ち | ex-rights (stock) |
零れ落ちる こぼれ落ちる | to spill over and fall, to scatter (petals, leaves, etc.) |
四当五落 4当5落 | sleep four hours and pass, sleep five hours and fail (when cramming for university entrance exams) |
落ちこぼれる 落ち零れる | to drop, to fall, to spill, to drop out |
落籍す | to redeem debts (e.g. of a geisha) |