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藍 : Indigo
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Strokes: | 18 |
Radical: | 艸 (140) |
Usage Rating: | 2043 |
Unicode: | 085cd |
jis208: | 45-85 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
藍 Usage examples
藍晶石 | cyanite, kyanite |
人造藍 | synthetic indigo |
青藍 | indigo blue |
藍染め 藍染 | indigo dye |
藍衣社員 | blue-collar, blue-collar worker (employee) |
緑葉甘藍 | kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) |
甘藍 | cabbage |
球茎甘藍 | kohlrabi |
子持ち甘藍 | Brussels sprouts |
濃藍色 | dark indigo |
大伽藍 | large temple edifice, large temple |
青は藍より出でて藍より青し | Although blue dye comes from the indigo plant, it is bluer than indigo, The student has overcome the master (from whom he has learned) |