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覧 : Perusal
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Strokes: | 17 |
Radical: | 見 (147) |
Usage Rating: | 1510 |
Unicode: | 089a7 |
jis208: | 45-87 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
覧 Usage examples
展覧会に出す | to send to an exhibition |
遊覧飛行 | sightseeing flight |
展覧会場 | show-room |
インターネット閲覧ソフト | Web browser, Web-browsing software |
天覧相撲 | wrestling performed in imperial presence |
台覧相撲 | wrestling performed in the presence of the empress or crown prince |
上覧相撲 | match held in front of the Emperor |
天覧試合 | game held with the Emperor in attendance |
博覧多識 | erudition and extensive knowledge, widely-read and well-informed |