留め山 | mountain where logging is prohibited |
留守宅 | house where the family is out |
留別 | farewell to those staying behind |
留め役 | arbitrator |
留男 留め男 | arbitrator (esp. in a play) |
留め具 留具 | latch, clasp, catch, check, fastener |
留め針 留針 | pin |
留鳥 | nonmigratory bird |
留め湯 留湯 | monthly pass for a public bath |
留め置き 留置き | mail held at the post office, keeping, retaining |
留置郵便 留置き郵便 留め置き郵便 | mail held at the post office |
留置場 | police cell, place of detention |
取り留めのない 取り留めの無い | incoherent, wandering, vague, rambling, whimsical |
押し留める 押留める | to check, to stop, to keep back |
車を留める | to park a car |
掛留 | music suspension |
原級に留める | to keep (a student) back (to repeat a grade) |
土留め | retaining wall, sheathing |
留袖 留め袖 | formal, usually black, kimono with designs along the bottom of the skirt worn by married women on ceremonial occasions |
留守録 | unattended (video, audio) recording |
残留性有機汚染物質 | persistent organic pollutant, POP |
留保利益 | retained earnings |
留処無い | endless, ceaseless |
留木 留め木 | wooden peg, toggle |
国費留学生 | government-financed or sponsored foreign student |
留意事項 | points to note, points of concern, matters to keep in mind, matters that require attention |
留守家族 | family members left at home |
交換留学 | (student) exchange, study abroad |
在留資格認定証明書 | Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status |
伊留満 | non-ordained Christian monk |
心に留める | to bear in mind, to keep remembering |
居留守を使う | to pretend to be out |
交換留学生 | exchange student |
海外在留邦人 | Japanese living overseas |
歌加留多 | card-matching game played with these cards |
お留守になる | to fail to be attentive to |
留まるところを知らない | knowing no bounds, showing no signs of stopping or slowing down |
留めくぎ 留め釘 | stop peg, toggle, tack |