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涙 : Tears
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Strokes: | 10 |
Radical: | 氵 (85) |
Usage Rating: | 1381 |
Unicode: | 06d99 |
jis208: | 46-62 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
涙 Usage examples
熱涙 | hot tears |
蚊の涙 | pittance, something very small |
涙塞き敢えず | unable to fight back tears |
涙を流す | to shed tears |
涙をのむ 涙を呑む | to pocket an insult |
涙を催す | to be moved to tears |
一筋の涙 | a trickle of tears |
涙する | to shed tears |
お涙頂戴 御涙頂戴 | tearjerker, sob story, maudlin tale |
落涙滂沱 | shedding copious tears |
催涙スプレー | tear gas defense spray (e.g. mace, pepper) |
流涙症 | epiphora (excessive watering of the eye) |
涙ながら 涙乍ら | while crying, in tears |
鬼の目にも涙 | even the hardest of hearts can be moved to tears |
涙目 | teary eyes |
涙骨 | lacrimal bone (of the skull) |