生物界 | life |
斯界 | this field or subject |
臨界点 | critical point (temperature) |
界磁極 | field pole |
下界 | lower bound |
苦界に身を沈める | to become a prostitute (sink into a brothel) |
古生界 | Paleozoic group |
政界の嵐 | political storm |
世界銀行 | World Bank |
世界交通の衝 | focus of the trade routes of the world |
世界新 | new world record |
粒界 | grain boundary |
液性限界 | liquid limit |
塑性限界 | plastic limit |
可能世界モデル | possible-world model |
境界理論 | bounding theory |
界面活性剤 | surfactant |
興行界 | entertainment world |
実業界 | business world, business circles |
世界一周旅行 | round-the-world trip, world cruise |
世界記録 | world record, establishing a world record (in) |
世界経済 | world economy, international economy |
世界情勢 | world situation, world affairs |
世界制覇 | domination of the world, world hegemony |
世界選手権 | world (an international) championship (title) |
世界平和 | world peace, peace of the world |
界雷 | frontal thunderstorm |
界磁石 | field magnet |
界面化学 | surface chemistry |
界面活性 | surface active |
界面現象 | interfacial phenomenon, surface phenomenon |
業界標準 | industry-wide standard |
世界気象機関 | World Meteorological Organization (Organisation), WMO |
世界記録保持者 | world record holder |
世界経済フォーラム | World Economic Forum |
世界経済見通し | World Economic Outlook (IMF publication) |
世界市場 | global market |
世界食糧計画 | World Food Program, WFP |
世界知的所有権機関 | World Intellectual Property Organization (Organisation), WIPO |
世界的不況 | global recession |
世界標準 | global standards |
世界不況 | world recession |
世界陸上 | World Championships in Athletics |
文明世界 | civilized world, civilised world |
臨界前核実験 | subcritical nuclear experiment |
星界 | star world (SF term) |
結界 | short two or three-fold lattice around the front desk of a store |
三界流転 | endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past, present, and future existences |
電界放出 | field emission (electric) |
世界地図 | world map |
自由世界 | Free World |
政界工作 | currying of political favor, buying political influence |
政界再編 | political realignment, a realignment of political parties |
政界余聞 | tidbits of political gossip |
世界思潮 | main currents (the trend) of thinking in the world |
女人結界 | prohibition against women entering a sacred area |
法界悋気 | being jealous of things that have nothing to do with one, being jealous of others who are in love with each other |
異界 | spirit world, underworld, the next world |
回折限界 | diffraction limit |