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霊 : Spirits
Strokes: | 15 |
Radical: | 雨 (173) |
Usage Rating: | 1458 |
Unicode: | 0970a |
jis208: | 46-78 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
霊 Usage examples
生き霊 生霊 | souls, people, wraith, mankind |
守護霊 | guardian spirit |
御霊代 | something worshiped as a symbol for the spirit of the dead |
曜霊 | literary term for the sun |
霊芝 | bracket fungus, Ganoderma lucidum (formerly Fomes japonicus) |
霊と肉 | flesh and spirit |
霊感商法 | fraudulent way of business, cajoling people into buying articles for an extremely high price by claiming they will bring good luck |
霊能者 | medium |
地縛霊 自縛霊 自爆霊 | ghost bound to a specific physical location (usu. where death occurred) |
霊長目 | Primates (order of mammals) |
幽霊社員 | bogus (phantom) employee |
霊視商法 | fraudulent sale of exorcism services (to people led to believe that they are possessed by evil spirits) |
霊的交感 | spiritual sympathy, spiritual communion |
霊的交流 | spiritual sympathy, spiritual communion |
祖先の霊 | ancestral spirits |
霊亀 | Reiki era (715.9.2-717.11.17) |
祖霊 | ancestor deified as a kami, spirit of a kami |
頑冥不霊 | stubborn and ignorant |
精霊飛蝗 | Oriental longheaded locust (Acrida cinerea) |
霊友会 | Reiyukai (Buddhist sect founded in 1919 as an offshoot of Nichiren Buddhism) |
心霊写真 | spirit photography, ghost photography |