難路 | rough or steep path |
短水路 | short course (swimming) |
東名高速道路 | Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway |
針路を逸れる | to swerve from the course |
聖路加病院 | St Luke Hospital |
退路を断つ | to cut off the retreat |
短路 | short circuit |
断路 | disconnection (of a wire) |
閉路 | closed circuit |
路加 | St Luke |
路線に沿って | along the route (line) |
応力経路 応力径路 | stress path |
袋小路文 | easily misunderstood sentence, garden-path sentence, cul-de-sac sentence |
迂回路 | detour, diversion, alternative route |
海上輸送路 | marine transportation routes |
感染経路 | infection route, source of infection |
受信回路 | receiving circuit |
鉄道線路 | railroad track, rail line |
道路計画 | road plan |
道路建設 | road construction |
道路交通 | road traffic |
道路地図 | road (highway) map |
道路標示 | traffic sign painted on the road |
道路輸送 | road transport |
流通経路 | distribution channel, channel of distribution |
路上駐車 | parking on the streets, on-street parking |
黄泉路 | road to Hades |
四十路 | age forty |
アスファルト道路 | asphalt road, blacktop, tarmac road |
アンド回路 AND回路 | AND circuit |
オルニチン回路 | ornithine cycle |
クレブス回路 | Krebs cycle |
グリオキシル酸回路 | glyoxylate cycle |
ゲート回路 | gate circuit |
トリカルボン酸回路 | tricarboxylic acid cycle, TCA cycle |
パルス回路 | pulse circuit |
フリップフロップ回路 | flip-flop circuit |
ブリッジ回路 | bridge circuit |
演算回路 | operation circuit |
回路素子 | circuit element |
路上犯罪 | street crime |
通路側 | (on the) aisle, aisle seat |
導波路 | waveguide (usually optical) |
一路順風 | sailing before the wind, everything is going well |
一路平安 | (wishing someone) bon voyage |
人生行路 | journey of life |
営業路線 | business plan (policy) |
穏健路線 | moderate line, middle-of-the-road line (in politics) |
拡大路線 | expansion policy, road to expansion |
既定路線 | established (existing) policy (procedure(s)) |
現実路線 | (following) a pragmatic (policy) line (approach) |
柔軟路線 | (taking) a flexible approach (to) |
純愛路線 | (going) the pure love stories route (in movie making) |
宣伝路線 | (adopting) a publicity (an advertising) policy, a propaganda line |
大衆路線 | (adopting) a popular line, (taking) a populist line |
対話路線 | policy of using dialogue instead of confrontation |
中道路線 | moderate line, middle-of-the-road policy line |
軟弱路線 | weak-hearted approach, soft line, easier way (route) |