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学 : Study
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学 Usage examples
警察学校 | police academy |
経学 | Confucianism |
経営工学 | industrial engineering |
経験科学 | empirical science |
天文学的 | astronomical |
構造言語学 | structural linguistics |
好色文学 | erotic or pornographic literature (Edo period) |
立体幾何学 | solid geometry |
林間学校 | outdoors school |
岩石学 | petrology |
斯学 | this academic subject |
軟文学 | love story, erotic literature |
臨海学校 | seaside school |
医学の祖 | founder of medical science |
胃腸病学 | gastroenterology |
各大学 | all universities, each university |
学位を授ける | to award a degree |
学者振る | to be pedantic, to assume the air of a scholar |
学生崩れ | degenerate ex-student |
学の独立 | freedom of learning |
学問の奨め | encouragement of learning |
学問の徒 | scholar, student |
学を窮める | to study exhaustively |
学兄 | my learned friend |
学校へ通う | to attend school |
学校が引けてから | after school |
学校用品 | school requisites (supplies) |
原子物理学の父 | father of atomic physics |
語学の才 | talent for languages |
私学の雄 | one of the leading private schools |
宿学 | renowned scholar |
逍遥学派 | Peripatetic school (of philosophy) |
女流文学者 | female writer, woman writer |
全優の学生 | straight A student |
大学へ進む | to go to university |
大学出の人 | university graduate |
大学に受かる | to be accepted by a university |
大学寮 | former central university of Kyoto (established under the ritsuryo system for the training of government administrators) |
大学を出る | to graduate from a university |
督学官 | school inspector |
篤学の士 | devoted scholar, diligent student |
生学問 | imperfect (superficial) knowledge |
仏文学 | French literature |
文学の味 | the pleasures of literature |
学びの園 | educational institution |
理学修士 | Master of Science |
計算生物学 | computational biology |
言語学的観念論 | linguistic conceptualism |
言語学的実在論 | linguistic realism |
コミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 | Communication Science Laboratories |
生物情報学 | bioinformatics |
不学 | unlearned, uneducated |
文部科学省 | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXT |
医学雑誌 | medical journal |
医学者 | medical scientist |
英会話学校 | English conversation school |
化学構造 | chemical structure, chemical constitution |
化学合成 | chemosynthesis |