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括 : Fasten
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fasten, tie up, arrest, constrict
Strokes: | 9 |
Radical: | 扌 (64) |
Usage Rating: | 1026 |
Unicode: | 062ec |
jis208: | 19-71 |
Some information on this page provided by EDICT
括 Usage examples
引っ括める | to lump together, to include |
首を括る | to hang oneself, to strangle oneself |
高を括る | to underrate, to make light of |
括り染め 括り染 | tie-dyeing |
統括組織 | umbrella organization, umbrella organisation |
包括通商競争力法 | Omnibus Trade and Competition Act |
包括的核実験禁止条約 | Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, CTBT |
包括的提携 | comprehensive tie-up |
括れ | waist (esp. of a woman), narrow part (in middle) |
括れる | to be constricted |
一括払い | lump-sum payment |
統括本部 | general headquarters |
腹を括る | to prepare oneself for the worst, to prepare oneself |
小括弧 | parentheses, parenthesis, (round) brackets |
小括 | summary (e.g. in a thesis), summation |
括弧閉じ | close bracket |
大括弧 | square brackets |
総括主宰者 | (electoral) campaign manager |
包括委任状 | general power of attorney |